Mom Talk Monday: Adulting is the Worst - Real Mom Recs

Mom Talk Monday: Adulting is the Worst

This weekend my son Z made some poor choices resulting in the loss of screen time privileges. He voiced his disapproval of this injustice with the classic: “I can’t wait until I’m an adult! I’ll watch as much TV as I feel like! I’ll do whatever I want! I CAN’T WAIT!”

Remember when you were a kid and dreamed about adulthood and all the fun and freedom that would come with it?

I used to think about the endless desserts I would eat without my parents forcing me to eat meat and vegetables. Now I am an adult and I force myself to eat meat and vegetables.

Being an adult didn’t exactly turn out like we dreamed it would, did it? Somehow it turned out more like this:the worst part of adulting

Mondays are particularly tough days for adulting. The past several Mondays, I’ve had a series of dentist appointments to have some dental work done. I absolutely can’t stand going to the dentist. Having your body start to fall apart has got to be one of the worst parts of being an adult.

My other most hated adulting tasks include:

  • anything related to taxes (although my husband does this for a living so luckily I don’t have to do much!)
  • automotive work including car repairs, oil changes, and ESPECIALLY the DMV
  • having to cook and clean instead of having someone else cook and clean for you like when you were a kid
  • bills. Duh.

Let it out! What do you think is the worst part of adulting?


Adoptive mom, biological mom, slacker mom, Disney mom, and above all things a REAL mom. Fan of blogging, sleeping, and pretending not to hear my kids fight.


  1. Ha! I did a post on not wanting to adult, too. It sucks. Seriously. We have to do All. The. Things. I want someone to take over my adulting things. But, alas, no one will take care of my kids, pay my bills, make dinner, do housework, make phone calls (the worst), etc, etc. Sigh….

    1. OMG I forgot about phone calls. I seriously go to such great lengths to avoid ever having to talk to someone on the phone! If it can’t be accomplished online, I pretty much put it off until I die…

  2. Ugh adulting 😭 why did we want to grow up again? Bills is definitely the worst part for me. And the whole credit thing, that sucks too lol.

  3. Oh yes, I can remember hardly being able to wait until I was an adult! It doesn’t take too long until you learn that “adulting” is seriously hard and life was so much easier and enjoyable as a kid. I agree with all of the things you’ve mentioned, taxes being one of the biggest pains of being an adult!

  4. making adult phone calls! haha when I was growing up I used to have a phone dialogue with my mom before I’d make a call so I knew what to say. I’m almost 30 and my mom still tries to help when she can, obviously not just calls but in general. I’ll always be her little girl no matter how old I get <3

  5. Yes, our vision of being an adult was so nice. Reality is not the same. I wish I didn’t have to speak words of responsibility or be responsible instead of cool, lol.

  6. The worst part of adulting is trying to learn that we, indeed, cannot watch as much TV as we want. Dealing with consequences sucks! As we get older, adulting includes losing friends and having our hearts broken.

  7. There are days I love being an adult and having the freedom to do whatever I want (like have cake for breakfast!) and days that I just want to curl in a ball and watch tv all day and ignore the world. Unfortunately, my kids won’t let me do that. I don’t mind the cooking because I love to be in the kitchen, I hate the chores that come with the rest of the house!

  8. Haha this actually made me laugh-out-loud! I used to say the same “When I’m a parent I’ll let my kids do ____” Oh how silly we are as kids. Adulting is certainly not an easy task, not sure why we all long for it as children.

  9. Mondays are tough that is for sure! I sure miss taking naps like I did when I was a kid!!

  10. I hear you!! I had to go to the DMV today to renew my drivers license and I have to go this week to get my teen his permit and then teach him how to drive….adulting is difficult for sure. (and scary sometimes!)

  11. I think that dealing with car stuff and house cleaning is the worst lol. Right now I have to take my car in for some stuff and it feels like time I just don’t want to waste.

  12. Ha ha! I think every day there’s something new that makes adulting so much… “fun!” Making those adult decisions just isn’t what we all thought it would be.

  13. Oh my gosh, YES! I DO remember the days! Now, im just like WHYYYYY. Why cant i stay in my jammies and eat ice cream instead of working?! Lol. The worst part about adulthood is the darn bills! Kids just dont know!

  14. I have to laugh at all of this. I think the funniest part is the idea of freedom we have when we are children. We pretend that freedom comes without responsibility. And we couldn’t be more wrong. We may be “free” but it’s not the freedom we think it is. I think the hardest part of adulting is organizing the bills and dealing with unexpected expenses. That’s always hard.

  15. As kids, you definitely know realize all of the responsibility you’ll have as an adult. Oh how nice it would be to be a kid again!

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