adulting Archives - Real Mom Recs



Mom Talk Monday: Adulting is the Worst

This weekend my son Z made some poor choices resulting in the loss of screen time privileges. He voiced his disapproval of this injustice with the classic: “I can’t wait until I’m an adult! I’ll watch as much TV as I feel like! I’ll do whatever I want! I CAN’T WAIT!”

Remember when you were a kid and dreamed about adulthood and all the fun and freedom that would come with it?

I used to think about the endless desserts I would eat without my parents forcing me to eat meat and vegetables. Now I am an adult and I force myself to eat meat and vegetables.

Being an adult didn’t exactly turn out like we dreamed it would, did it? Somehow it turned out more like this:the worst part of adulting

Mondays are particularly tough days for adulting. The past several Mondays, I’ve had a series of dentist appointments to have some dental work done. I absolutely can’t stand going to the dentist. Having your body start to fall apart has got to be one of the worst parts of being an adult.

My other most hated adulting tasks include:

  • anything related to taxes (although my husband does this for a living so luckily I don’t have to do much!)
  • automotive work including car repairs, oil changes, and ESPECIALLY the DMV
  • having to cook and clean instead of having someone else cook and clean for you like when you were a kid
  • bills. Duh.

Let it out! What do you think is the worst part of adulting?