Mom Talk Monday: What are you doing RIGHT? - Real Mom Recs

Mom Talk Monday: What are you doing RIGHT?

After my last post about giving our kids positive feedback, I started thinking about how hard parenting is and how little positive feedback we Moms get.

Modern Moms tend to question everything. Is it really safe to vaccinate my children? Am I feeding them foods that will end up being harmful for them? Have I done enough to prepare them for school? Am I doing too much helicopter parenting?  What am I doing WRONG?

Someone asked me the other day what the best piece of advice I’ve gotten about parenting was. I said to go easy on yourself. If your kids are clothed, fed, safe, and loved, you’re doing great. Anything on top of that is a bonus.

positive feedback for Moms

This message is a stark contrast to most of the messages parents are bombarded with all the time. In the age of information overload, parents can’t even keep up with all the recommendations of what they should or shouldn’t be doing. Never before has parenting seemed so complicated.

It’s understandable why there are so many nervous parents walking around filled with doubt.

Positive feedback for Moms

Sometimes as a mother it feels like the world is watching you parent and judging everything you do. Any mistakes the children make are seen as failures of the parents.

I think we need to put a stop to that kind of negativity and instead focus on what we’re doing right.

So let’s start with ourselves. Let’s identify our own strengths. Let’s feel proud of the things we know we’re doing right.

Maybe this small step will help derail the path of doubt and negativity and get us feeling confident and accomplished. We do a LOT every day, and we do it well. It’s time for someone to notice that, even if it’s just ourselves.

positive feedback for Moms

Tell us one thing you’re doing RIGHT in the comments!

And don’t forget to pay it forward. Give positive feedback to another Mom in your life!


Adoptive mom, biological mom, slacker mom, Disney mom, and above all things a REAL mom. Fan of blogging, sleeping, and pretending not to hear my kids fight.


  1. I definitely needed to read this tonight. I’ve been pretty hard on my parenting skills lately, and questioning everything. Us moms do not get much positive feedback at all. Thank you for your kind words, and I’m going to try to go easier on myself.

  2. wow this is truly something i need to read today because ive been pretty hard on myself too. thanks for all these great words of encouragement!

  3. Oh my gosh, this is so great, thank you! You are so right how is so easy to think of all the negative when we really should focus on the positive! And with that being said, I had to think for a bit but I think, one thing I do right, is showing my little guy how much he’s loved every day. At least I hope.

  4. I’ve been making an effort to be on my phone or computer less, and spending more quality time with the kids. And I’ve been very patient lately. Those are things I have been working on as New Years Resolutions 🙂

    1. I wish I could say I’ve been patient, not my strong suit when the kids are taking forever to get out the door in the morning. Keep up the good work, it’s certainly not easy!

    1. I love these! Laughing with our kids is huge for building those feel-good bonds. And trying your hardest- that’s all you can really do, right?

  5. This really lifted my spirits after a long week of balancing the little one being ill & deadlines at work. One thing I’m doing right is making sure my son has a smile on his face before we go to bed! That smile helps me know that no matter how stressful things get. We are okay!

  6. Questioning everything has made me a better mom. I am able to learn for myself why we do what we do. Instead of just going with the flow. I’ve learned a lot this way.

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