5 Helpful Tips for a Mother-to-Be  - Real Mom Recs

5 Helpful Tips for a Mother-to-Be 

Disclaimer: This post was written in collaboration with Inside Radiology and Good To Play.

Becoming a mother is the most beautiful feeling in the world. It brings a feeling of ‘completeness’ with it. Unfortunately, that’s not all. Motherhood brings along lots of challenges too.

But If you plan your pregnancy and motherhood in a proper and timely manner, you can celebrate every little moment till the baby is born and afterwards.

Here are a few tips to help you plan your motherhood, so that you can make it the most joyful period of your life.

1. Maintain Your Own Weekly Pregnancy Journal

To keep these ‘bitterly sweet’ or ‘sweetly bitter’ memories alive forever, maintain a weekly pregnancy journal. Every pregnancy week is crucial, and the suggested care routine keeps getting more intense as the pregnancy advances.

When you are in the middle period of your pregnancy, i.e., from week 18 to 20, the examinations become more critical. Your ultrasound will show a developed foetus with clearly visible human body features.

It’s important to understand what you should expect during weeks 18-20 and ensure you get a check-up.

2. Set Up Your Baby’s Nursery

Your baby’s nursery must be ready before the baby is born. After the delivery, you will be too busy to spare time to do it. Not sure about what to get. The essential include:

  • Bassinet or a crib with a sheet and mattress
  • Blanket and pillows
  • Hanging toys and crib mobile
  • Lamps and lighting
  • Storage baskets
  • Sleep soothers
  • Vocal toys

Infants are attracted to colourful and noisy toys, with many online retailers such as good to play toys there are many choices that have both educational and environmental impacts. What this means is that they must be non-toxic, preferably made of organic material.

If you choose such good to play toys, you also help in preserving our environment.

Remember: Infants suck on everything they get their hands on. So ensure that the toys aren’t small enough to swallow.

3. Nursing Accessories

The best feed a newborn baby can get is breast milk. As a new mother, you should always be ready to facilitate nursing. For this, you may need the following nursing accessories:

  • Nursing bra
  • Nursing cover
  • Nursing clips and reminder clips
  • Breast milk storage bags
  • Breastfeeding shirt holder
  • Breast milk pump

These nursing accessories help you breastfeed your baby right on time. A nursing reminder clip ensures you never skip baby’s mealtime. The breast milk pump and storage bags help you provide the baby with adequate feed when you are not around.

4. Stock up on Baby Essentials

To keep your baby away from dirt and germs, you will need lots of baby wipes and diapers. In addition, you will need laundry detergent, fabric softener, shampoo, powder, lotions, etc. Therefore, stock up on these essentials, so that your baby can stay clean and healthy, always. To ensure that you touch the baby with clean hands every time, stock up on hand sanitisers for yourself too.

When you’re stocking up for baby, if you find you are short on cash, check out www.northcash.com for a personal online installment loan. They can help get you back on track!

5. Get Some ‘in-between’ Clothes

After the delivery, you would love to get your former physique back. Unluckily for you, it won’t happen overnight. Basically, neither your maternity, nor your pre-delivery clothes will fit at this time.

The solution is to get a few ‘in-between’ clothes to wear until you get your desired physique back.

Motherhood is God’s blessing and a proud feeling for women, so enjoy every bit of your pregnancy, and do it timely and proper planning.


Adoptive mom, biological mom, slacker mom, Disney mom, and above all things a REAL mom. Fan of blogging, sleeping, and pretending not to hear my kids fight.

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