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Mom Talk Monday: Who Gives the Gifts?

I came across a post that was going around Facebook that had stirred up some controversy. The topic was Christmas morning and who gives the gifts. It said something along the lines of:

“Parents: when you give your kids Christmas gifts, you should make small things from Santa and have the bigger gifts from Mom and Dad. That way, kids whose parents can’t afford big gifts won’t think that Santa only brought them small things because they are bad kids.”

Personally, this is how I already do Christmas gifts although I hadn’t thought about it from that angle before. In our house the small gifts are from Santa because that’s what fits in the stocking. All the gifts under the tree are from Mom and Dad. I won’t lie, I do enjoy the glory of being the one to give the best gifts on Christmas morning. I know other families have ALL the presents from Santa, while others don’t do Santa gifts at all.

That Facebook post did tug on my heart strings a bit. It made me question if I would change our Christmas tradition if we had previously done big gifts from Santa. To be honest I’m not sure.

I would enjoy hearing everyone’s thoughts on it, and how your family does the gift giving.

So, my Mom Talk Monday question is:

who gives the gifts

Is there any particular reason for how you do your gift giving? Would you do it differently if your child had peers who won’t receive the same type of gifts from Santa? Let’s get the conversation started!